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  7. Projection of CHANG (1927)

An exceptional film about a Lao family living in the jungle, not so far from Luangprabang...

Filmmakers: Merian C. Cooper and Ernest B. Schoedsack, also filmmakers of the famous King Kong (1933)

Shot in 1925 in the jungle, 1 week walk from Nan in a Lao family by 2 intrepid filmmakers, CHANG is one of the first documentaries of history of cinema, and the first film to document life in the Southeast Asian jungle. It’s also one of the first documentaries to incorporate a poetic narrative story with an esthetic concern.

Shooting of Chang, 1927, in Nan, Northern-Thailand

The idea of the 2 filmmakers? Show man’s struggle against nature. Their motto? "Keep it Distant, Difficult, and Dangerous". After 18 months spent in the jungle, the result is a poetic documentary, based on real situation and facts, filmed with talent, and marvelously presented.

Back to America, the 2 filmmakers prepared the film which will be shown in a screen huge size (4 times bigger than usual) and will be accompanied with the orchestral music composed by Hugo Riesenfeld, a great film composer well known for his impressive "Hollywood" music composition.

The film was premiered in New-York in April 1927, with a great success, both for public, for critic, for finance. But somehow, the film disappeared for 60 year... fortunately re-discovered late 80’s, unfortunately without any trace of the music. Mid 90’s, CHANG was re-edited with a new score composed for a Thai ensemble.

For the projection in Luang Prabang, CHANG is presented with a Lao music score composed by the troupe of Lao artists of the association ATOC. After 2 years of training, they have recorded one of their live performances they provide 2 times a week in Champasak from October to March

Until Oct. 2016:

  • Sanctuary Hotel Luang Prabang at 6:30pm
  • Victoria Xiengthong Palace at 7:00pm

Free Entrance.
Donations welcome.
Courtesy drink requested.

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