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Example of usual words

The transcript given below is imperfect, and only to approach reality: certain consonants or vowels do not exist in the language of Sheakspeare ... it will be advisable to assist with his hands to be understood Laos;-)

H located after the consonants express an aspiration of the consonant. Kh, Th, Ph, etc.. fall into this same rule in this dictionary. Only Ch has a pronunciation "sh" or almost ;-)

  • Good morning, afternoon, evening : Sabaïdee
  • Bonjour ou Bonsoir : Sabaïdi
    Sabaidee in lao language
  • How are you ? How do you do ? Tjao sabaidee bo ?
  • Comment allez-vous ? Comment vas-tu ? Tchao sabaïdi bau ?
    An example of lao script: How are you?
  • I’m fine, thanks : Khoj sabaidee, khop chai
  • Ca va, merci : Khoy sabaïdi, khop tchaï.
    An example of lao script: I'm fine, thank you
  • I’m very glad to meet you : Khoj deetjai lai thi dai phop chau
  • Enchanté de vous rencontrer : Khoy ditchaï laï thidaï phop tchao
    An example of lao script : nice to meet you
  • you’re welcome : Gnindi ton hab than
  • Vous êtes le(la) bienvenu(e) : Gninedi taune hap thane
    An example of lao script : nice to meet you
  • Good bye : La kon
  • Au revoir : La conne
    An example of lao script : see you
  • See you : laew phop kan mai
  • A bientôt : Lèo phop kane maille
    See you in lao language

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