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  7. Nong Khiaw

Karst formation 3h from Luang Prabang

150km up north Luang Prabang on the road # 13, the peaceful village of Nong Khiaw (also called Mouang Ngoi Khoua). This village is about 4000 inhabitants, and developed around the bridge that straddles the Nam Ou River, one of the most historically pure rivers of Laos and home to fish and crayfish reputed in the region.

The karst landscapes where the rocky peaks abound are beautiful. You will find a relatively unspoiled nature, waterfalls, and a river Nam Ou where fishing is obviously practiced, and a great place to experiment kayaking.

After visiting the Patok caves where the administration took refuge during the secret Laos war (today’s concrete stairs were at that time made of bamboo), we can go further to the villages of Ban Sen and Ban Bomvan where one village is specialized in dyeing and another in spinning and hand weaving.

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