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  7. The village celebration

Each year in June, on different dates for each "village" (we could even say each district of Luang Prabang), village celebrations gather together all the inhabitants. The tradition calls for the bonzes to hold a white thread all around the village while chanting to ask the spirits for good luck. Good luck so as to drive away evil spirits, to protect the village, its houses and inhabitants.

At the end of the afternoon, round about 4 o’clock, carpets are laid out in the middle of the village’s main street. Offerings are set out on the ground around the bonzes and a litany starts which will last an hour.

The wax from candles burnt for an hour during the ceremony, falls into a bucket of water where a few plants from the village float. This water, which has been baptised by the wax, will be sprinkled on the inhabitants and the passers-by to whom one wishes luck and protection.

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