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  7. The Chinese market

It is situated on Laos’s main road that leads to Vientiane, opposite the new sports stadium.

On an area of over several thousand square metres, there are many Chinese (that often don’t speak Laotian...) gathered to sell products from China, with whom Laos shares a border a few hundred kilometres to the North. Here Chinese is spoken, trading is done in the Chinese fashion, everybody writes and counts in Chinese !

You can find anything on this market; its a sort of a huge bazaar where everybody sells everything (saucepans in the middle of televisions, bicycle chains, tooth picks), its a sort of flea market, where all the prices are as low a they can be.

Quality is logically and unfortunately absent. Some people go as far as to say that ALL the products that are sold there, have a manufacturing fault, which is more or less important, whether it be T-shirts with speling errrers, or irons that break into flame when they’re used.

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