The Phosi market is by far the biggest market in Luang Prabang. Three quarters of it is covered, there are several hundred merchants of all kinds proposing a large variety of products. You can find there vegetable gardeners as well as small stalls selling clothes (always in the Chinese style), merchants for health products, school materials, hardware, etc.
You can find products that come from everywhere, from Laos (not very many manufactured products, except for the well known Beerlao), Chinese and Thai products as well as indirectly, everything that has any relationship whatsoever with food and that comes from local producers.
The smells you come across in this market are very varied. The small amount of air in this area makes the atmosphere heavy, but even so ... it’s the perfect spot to get the feel of the different activities of Luang Prabang and the provinces that surround it. All these gay and happy Laotians, never stop talking and laughing, the huge quantities of products on the stalls held by Laotians who very often speak nothing else but Laotian. All this, plus the incessant comings and goings of the touktouks, make it a market that should not be missed.
Open from 7 o’clock in the morning till 5 o’clock in the evening, every day.